Women as Global Leaders - Learning Leadership

H. E. Reem Al-Hashimy

U.A.E. Minister of State

Reem Al-Hashimy was sworn in as a Minister of State in the Cabinet of the United Arab Emirates in February 2008. In addition to her Ministerial duties, Ms. Al-Hashimy also manages the External Affairs Unit of The Executive Office (TEO) of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, U.A.E. Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai.

Photo of H. E. Reem Al-Hashimy

Ms. Al-Hashimy has extensive international experience, initially as Commercial Attaché and then subsequently as Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of the U.A.E. in Washington, D.C. In this capacity, she was intimately involved with a broad spectrum of issues affecting the U.A.E.-U.S. bilateral relationship, including security, trade and economic progress, and social and cultural activities.

As Commercial Attaché, she participated in negotiations between the U.A.E. and the United States for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA). In additional to trade matters, Ms. Al-Hashimy coordinated outreach programmes to key stakeholders in the business, academic and political community in the U.S.

Before moving to the United States, Ms. Al-Hashimy worked in the The Executive Office of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid where her portfolio included managing economic and social programs for the Emirate of Dubai.

Ms. Al-Hashimy completed undergraduate studies at Tufts University, in Massachusetts, where she earned B.A. degrees in International Relations and French. She holds a Masters Degree from Harvard University.