Women as Global Leaders - Learning Leadership

A Message to Parents

Greetings from the United Arab Emirates

In today's state of current events, many parents understandably feel concern and apprehension at the thought of sending a daughter to the Middle East to attend a conference. We hope that your visit to this Web site will provide you with a more accurate understanding of life in the United Arab Emirates, and just how safe and hospitable this country can be. Don't just take our word for it, though. The readers of Conde Nast Traveller magazine voted Dubai the safest city in the world in 2003. The UAE has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, and there have been no terrorist incidents in the country to date. I encourage you to do your own Internet searches, talk to people who have visited the UAE, and find out more for yourself.

As you may already know, accommodation for students will be provided by Zayed University at certain specially selected hotels. We have chosen these hotels in particular with the objective of finding safe, clean, reputable, comfortable and affordable accommodations for our guests. In addition, we will provide University shuttles to transport students to and from the conference venue.

Arranging air travel to Dubai is not difficult. The city is a well-traveled hub for business and tourism, and many of the main air carriers fly to Dubai with connections through major cities. Some fantastic deals for students and educators can be arranged through travel sites such as www.statravel.com and www.studentuniverse.com.

For most students, the primary expense will cover air fare to Dubai. Some students may be able to obtain funding from their college or university, but others will have to raise the funds for themselves. As a parent, you may be in a position to help cover this expense, or to guide your daughter toward another source of sponsorship.

This conference is the opportunity of a lifetime. Your daughter will meet students and educators from around the world, build lifelong friendships, meet prominent world leaders and personalities, learn invaluable leadership skills, and share the joy and excitement of exploring a new culture-all in a safe and well-managed environment.

I am confident that as you learn more about "Women as Global Leaders: Learning Leadership" you will support your daughter in attending this historic event. I look forward to hearing from you via e-mail, and will gladly lend any assistance or advice that you may require.

Elizabeth Faier
Director of Leadership Education
Zayed University