Congratulation Dr. Walaa Eldeen Ibraheem (IIWS)

04 Dec 2013

After passing exams in 13 courses as insurance Award, Islamic insurance (TAKAFUL), insurance law, risk management advanced underwriting, liabilities …..etc. Dr. Walaa Eldeen Ibraheem (IIWS) is an Ass. Prof in business law, in order to develop his knowledge in one of the main branches of business law (insurance) he searched for gathering his academic base by practice and professional issues for this he joined CII and lately he had attained the highest degree in the institute which named the associated chartered insurance institute (ACII), to be one of the CII qualified members in insurance field all over the world.   

Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) is the premier and the largest professional body in the world in insurance and financial services industry, based in London United Kingdom (UK) www.cii.co.uk .

This world institute grants graduate degrees in insurance field for whom working in insurance and academic persons in insurance and financial services , and to obtain qualified membership in the institute the candidate must attained one of these degrees in insurance,