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January and June 2006 graduates who didnot attend their graduation ceremony up their graduation book, alumnae ID card and digital diploma case from the Alumnae Relations office.

The date of the graduation ceremony for January and June 2007 graduates will be announced in February 2008. If you are interested in helping to plan the next graduation party please contact the Alumnae Relations Coordinator on your campus


Rehearsal is very important and all graduates MUST ATTEND. During rehearsal you will receive:

- Graduation gowns:

- 5 Invitations

- Other valuable information about the ceremony

- Sign up for transport (Dubai graduates only)

- Get a leave-request letter from ZU to your employer

- Get a map to the National Theatre in Abu Dhabi


Each year a special yearbook is created by Zayed University as a special memento for the graduates. Several pages are specifically designated for quotes from graduates. Your words describing your feelings about ZU, graduation or your memories will be published in the book along with your name and college.

Please send the Alumnae Relations Office your quotes, name and ID and remember that your words will reach all your fellow 2006 graduates. 

You can send your quotes to:







